Worksheets for Science


Topic - The Human Digestive System

In these Worksheets for Science you will find Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True or False type questions that will help you to gain more marks by practising the topic named The Human Digestive System perfectly. 

Worksheets for Science

Multiple Choice Questions

1.____________ are known as the building blocks of the body. 

(a) cells (b) tissues (c) organs

2.There are __________ organ systems in our body. 

(a) three (b) four (c) eight

3.Palate is present on the ___________ side of the buccal cavity. 

(a) upper (b) lower (c) middle

4.Pharynx is about ______________ cm long. 

(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 16

5.The opening between larynx and pharynx is called ____________.

(a) epiglottis (b) glottis (c) cardiac

6.The main central part of the stomach is known as ____________.

(a) body (b) fundus (c) pyloric part

7.Duodenum is a part of __________.

(a) small intestine (b) mouth (c) large intestine

8.Villi are _________ shaped in ileum. 

(a) leaf (b) tongue (c) finger

9.Colon has _________ main parts. 

(a) five (b) four (c) three

10.The internal sphincter of anus is made up of ____________ muscle fibres. 

(a) smooth (b) striated (c) both a and b

 Answers - 1.cells 2.eight 3.upper 4.12 5.glottis 6.body 7.small intestine   

8.finger 9.four 10.smooth

Fill in the blanks

1.Buccal cavity is also known as the __________.

2.___________ prevent the food to enter the food pipe during swallowing. 

3.___________ guards the oesophageal opening.

4.Stomach is present below the _____________.

5.Fundus is __________ shaped.

6.The ____________ is the longest part of the alimentary canal. 

7.Ascending colon is found on the ____________ side of the abdominal cavity. 

8.Rectum stores _________.

9.The external opening of the alimentary canal is known as __________.

10.Anus has ____________ sphincters. 

Answers - 1.oral cavity 2.epiglottis 3.oesophageal sphincter 4.diaphragm

5.dome 6.small intestine 7.right 8.faeces 9.anus 10.two

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.Nose, wind pipe and lungs are the organs of digestive system. 

2.The digestive system helps our body in the excretion of waste materials. 

3.Mouth has two main parts. 

4.Oesophagus joins the pharynx and the stomach. 

5.The lesser curvature of the stomach is present towards its lower side. 

6.Pyloric part is the lower part of the stomach. 

7.The length of small intestine is about 6 metres. 

8.Jejunum follows duodenum. 

9.The wall of ileum is thinner than that of jejunum. 

10.The width of rectum is 8 cm. 

Answers - 1.False 2.False 3.True 4.True 5.False 6.True 7.True 8.True 9.True 10.False

Hope these Worksheets for Science would be quite helpful to you. Please share the articles and comment if you want any article or worksheets for science on any other topic. 

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